The Acts of the Apostles Through the Centuries

NT Commentaries, Acts, Reception history
Author Biography
Stephen Williams
Education: Diploma, BTh, MTS
Professional Experience:
- Retired Pastor, PAOC, 16 years (2005-2021)
- Itinerant Minister, Western Ontario District, (July 2021-present)
- Online Adjunct Faculty, Master's College and Seminary (May 2019 - present)
Journal Articles:
“Jesus is Coming Soon: Toward Revisioning Pentecostal Eschatology for Postmodern Ministry and Mission”, Journal of Biblical Pentecostalism, Vol. 2, Issue 1 (Fall 2020), New Orleans, LA: BCC Academic Press, 38-48.
“A Critical Evaluation of Richard N. Longenecker’s Commentary on Acts 2:1-21 in the Expositor’s Bible Commentary Series, Vol. 9: A Pentecostal Perspective”, Journal of Biblical Pentecostalism, Vol. 1, Issue 1 (Summer 2020), New Orleans, LA: BCC Academic Press, 18-32.
Richard Lennan and Nancy Pineda-Madrid (eds). “The Holy Spirit: Setting the World on Fire” (New York, NY: Paulist Press, 2017), PNEUMA 42.3-4, 596-598.